Discover North Park with Colorado's Fly Fishing Specialists

Benefits of a Low Water Season


June 14, 2018

It’s no secret that all around the state the water levels and flows are much lower than what we are used to this time of year. Although there are some obvious downfalls to these low water levels, there are also some not so obvious benefits to them. Here are our top five favorite benefits of a low-water season:

1.) Early dry fly action

We’ve been able to fish dry flies much earlier than usual. Small terrestrials, caddis, mahogany duns, and more have been popping on many of the rivers and we’ve had the opportunity to fish some awesome boiling waters. We typically would have to wait until late July for this opportunity, so it’s awesome to be pulling out the dry fly box in early June!

2.) Ability to fish hatches we usually don’t get to

The low water levels have given us awesome opportunities to fish hatches we rarely get to. This year we were able to fish throughout the entire salmon fly hatch which is something that rarely ever happens. Typically the flows are too high even to float so we are unable to fish the hatch at all.

3.) High country is open earlier

Although the water levels are dropping faster and earlier than we are used to, the high country is also open a lot earlier than we are used to. If the rivers are getting to low, hiking up into some high country lakes and streams can be an awesome and fun alternative. Get away from the bugs, heat, and lack of water in the valley and take a hike into some high mountain lakes for awesome fishing and great views.

4.) Ability to cross the river in more spots

This may seem like an insignificant perk, but it’s not one to overlook. Lower water levels give you the opportunity to cross the river in more places which means you have more of a chance of being able to sneak up on larger holes. When the water is high you typically have less opportunities to cross the river, and sometimes the only places to cross are right at the head or end of a deep hole, which runs the risk of spooking fish. Plus, if you’re like me, standing 5 feet, 4 inches tall with your wading boots on, lower water levels are your friend.

5.) Freestone river system keeps us on our toes

Our favorite part of low water levels, is the simple fact that they can happen without warning and we either adapt to them or capsize. We love our freestone river system up here because it keeps us on our toes. We are constantly learning and adapting to the ever-changing rivers and flows up here. Our freestone system is a whole different ballgame than your average tail-water system and the unpredictability is what keeps us coming back for more every year.

Don’t be sitting on your couch feeling lower than the water levels. There are lots of awesome hidden benefits to them, and we certainly are taking advantage of them here in the park. 

Written by: Taylor Martin